Wednesday 5 June 2013

nice things my husband has done for me lately

i was listening to the radio the other day, and they were talking about how it's hard to remember kindnesses you have experienced. it's much easier to remember times that someone has hurt your feelings. doesn't seem right. anyway, my husband has been amazing lately. really. tiny, tiny sample of what he is like all the time:

- he takes me to mcdonald's every single day so i can get a mcflurry or burger. it's not his fav place ever, but he gets a coffee anyway, and never acts like it's a hassle
- he carries all my bags all the time. i just walk beside him with free arms. he even happily carries my purse. he usually did this even before i was pregnant, but now it's all the time
- he heard me telling my mom on the phone the other night that i was worried my new tomato plants would be too chilly overnight. he brought them inside before i was even off the phone
- he cut my hair the other day. i really wanted a trim, so i brought him some scissors. he thought he might mess it up, but it looks awesome.
- he also painted my toenails a few days ago. i can still do it, but i find it really uncomfortable to bend over my belly like that. he did a great job. my toes look great

i could go on and on, really. these are just the things that i am especially grateful for lately.

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