Thursday 23 April 2015


We have been busy lately. Not super busy, but just busy enough that I haven't been updating this little blog read only by our immediate family. But the thing is, J and I love looking back at this blog to see what we have been up to. So I update it for us. Because we are not the type of people to get professional photos on special occasions, or scrapbook. We are more the type of people to take a family selfie on a Thursday when Cohen visits us at work. This is what his visits look like: He runs in ahead of the sitter straight to the sticker box by the reception desk that we have for kids who were good for their appointments. Jon or I come and say hi, and he looks up at us, then right back to the staff who are totally helping him stuff stickers into his pockets. Then he runs into our little office and starts eating whatever snack we have there, usually an apple. Then he draws all over our schedule for the day, says goodbye, and runs out the door with the sitter. Sometimes he will take every crayon in the waiting room and throw it on the floor. It pretty much makes our mornings.

PS: Our clinic is the most lovely shade of yellow in most rooms, except the two operatories that have been newly painted fuchsia. Very relaxing.
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