Monday 22 April 2013

happy earth day

so it's earth day, and like the entire internet says, every day should be earth day really. if you happen to live in a small town where recycling is not a big thing, being eco-friendly can be difficult. in our town, the only thing that can be recycled is drink bottles. these are the things j and i do to try to create a little less waste:

- use reusable grocery bags (the cashiers sometimes get annoyed about this, but most of them are used to us by now)
- use the library and ipad for magazines, books, newspapers. i love, love magazines, and digital versions somehow are not as good to me, so i try to only treat myself to one magazine a month. the rest i read at the library
- online bills and bill payments (i think everyone does this now?)
- use a glass container for water (again, i think this is a given for most people these days)
- put a sign on your mailbox that says you don't want junk mail. this one is huge. this winter our sign got covered in snow, so we got a ton of junk mail. i read the flyers online.

the pic above is from the elevator lobby of our hotel in vegas. the beautiful greens reminded me of my centrepieces at our wedding. i am getting the pics from our amazing vacation organized, so there will be lots of pics for the next few days on the blog!

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