Saturday, 31 March 2018

A March long weekend on PEI

We had another awesome long weekend on PEI a few weeks ago. This one was extra special because Jon's sister and her kids were able to join us, since they were on march break. This was our third visit (our Christmas visit here) to PEI since Will was born, which is pretty impressive I think. We absolutely love renting an AirBNB while we are there so we can have plenty of space and enough bedrooms and bathrooms for everyone to be comfortable. This time since I knew there would be three adults and four kids, we rented a full house (we usually book apartments in downtown Charlottetown) in a more residential area. 

(This place had tons of toys. The boys were loving it) 

(we especially liked the selection of board games) 

(Will spent a lot of time in the Ergo. No complaints from this momma) 

(both Jon's parents live really close to this AirBNB, so they were over each day. So convenient) 

(I love these people so much. I have the best sister-in-law) 

(Cousins. She is pumped to do some babysitting for us in the near future. I love it) 

(I am a tall person) 

(Cohen loved running on the super quiet flat roads)

We really had the best time. I have known my niece and nephew since they were really little, and it has been such a treat watching them grow. And my sister-in-law is one of the warmest, kindest people I know. Basically I feel like a better person just hanging out with her. So yes, it was a great weekend. We took walks, had picnics, had drinks (obviously), played games. To keep things easy, we ordered food one night, and my mother-in-law did her signature dish of curried chicken one night. Will did not sleep much at night, which I remember happening sometimes when we travelled with baby Cohen. But it's so worth it. On the flip side, Will slept perfectly for the almost 5 hour drive there and back, which allowed Jon and I to drink coffee, chat, listen to podcasts. Life is about focusing on those moments that you get to listen to a podcast with your husband while your boys sleep in the backseat of the car. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Will is 6 months old!!

These last 6 months have moved pretty quickly. Will is the best. My hormones are for sure still all over the place, which is probably what is making me feel soooo HAPPY most days. Actually joyful. 

(elevator pic) 

(first time at the pool) 

(eating/messing with avocado) 

(twins, basically) 

(playing with Cohen's toys)

So the big thing with Will right now is he is crawling! For about a month he has been traveling across the room with this bunny hop army crawl type thing, but a few days ago he finally figured out how to legit crawl. Cohen wasn't doing that until he was at least 8 months, so I'm kind of surprised. I'm thinking the main reason he is crawling so early is to get to Cohen's toys. He has zero interest in his baby toys, and all the love for Cohen's little paw patrol characters. Other things about Will:

- We started trying out solid food around 5 months old, as recommended by our family physician. Will is pretty into banana, and also loves sweet potato puree. Less interested in avocados, meat, berries. We have so far been doing the spoon feeding thing mostly, but we are slowly heading in the direction of Will feeding himself little bits of whatever meal we are having. I completely forgot what a huge mess baby eating is. 

- Sleep. Uggggg. We did a version of gentle sleep training around 5 months, and it worked so well for maybe two weeks. Then a bunch of things happened: Will got a cold, we travelled to PEI for a long weekend, and Will learned to crawl. We have not had a decent night for a few weeks now. The exhaustion can be so hard!!! Last night the only way Will would sleep is with his little head resting on my open palm, and his hand on my face. It's so sweet I can't even believe it. I know that one of these nights he will sleep well. Hopefully soon

- I am up to working 15-20 hours a week. I work a maximum of five hours at a time, so I am not pumping at work anymore and Will hasn't had to visit me in the parking lot for a drink for a few weeks now. Will and Cohen both love their days at my parent's house while Jon and I work. My parents are the single most important tool I have as a working mom. Jon and I rely on them for so much, and not just childcare. Some stuff they have done for us lately: make us meals (sometimes we go there for supper, and other times mom sends me home with takeout), get us groceries (mom works at a grocery store, so she often calls me if she sees something I might want), carpentry/decor work (they both have done so much to improve our 30 year old clinic). I don't know how people do this parenting thing without a lot of help!

- Will is so quick to smile all the time at everyone. He is such a happy guy. He is cooing all the time and laughs super hard at his brother. Jon and I are so happy with our two little guys. 
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